The Rhythm

of Us

A gallery.



How do you recharge? Where do you find rest and rejuvenation? Were you aware this kind of ceasing is commanded in the Jewish and the Christian sacred writings? There is some ancient wisdom in stopping. Ceasing. Rest. The nothing box. How do you recharge and lean into the fact that we are not the sum of our achievements and things we create? There is something going on at a deeper level when we cease and rest.


The Grovel.

Most of the time we are just surfing out there because the ocean is a place of healing and restoration for us. And you should see the change on Ali’s face when she hits the water *Grin*. We call it a “grovel”; when you go out and don’t necessarily impress anybody particularly. But you had a good time. Caught a few. Maybe dropped in on somebody?! And you just want to stay out for a long long time. In the healing loneliness of the ocean wilderness.



How good is creating these songs and then inspiring and sharing the moment with your kids?